Time is the essence

Time flies, also when you are not having fun

From workday to workday, time seems to go by slowly, but somehow, in the blink of an eye, the year flies by really fast. And, regardless of how you spent it. Time flies, no matter if you are goofing around, or if you are focusing in on a particular passion project.

For me, interactions with others, especially with good friends, are sort of a 'weigh-in moment' for my time spent. When we share what has been happening in our lives lately, that is when I realize how happy I am with the way I used the time given to me.

Sometimes I don't have much to share, sometimes I do. It is not the amount I can share, but the energy and internal feeling that I do it with. If I have been focussing on my business, making progress and adding value to other people's lives, it might still seem boring to others. But I know I did spent my time well, if I talk about it with a proud feeling and enthusiastic energy.

Because things become 'real' the moment you talk about them, social events are a great source of information about the way I feel about the way I spend/spent my time.

Time does not discriminate

So, how is it for you, to realize that every single human being, no matter their background, environment or educational level, gets to use 24 hours each and every day? How well, effective or efficient you spend those hours, is totally up to you.

Time is the reason that we have to prioritize things in our lives. You cannot do everything there is to do, choosing is part of life. To not choose is to choose as well.

If you don't know how you want to spend the time given to you, the 24 hours in the upcoming day, someone else will find something for you to do. A boss, a friend, a family member.

So what is it you want to do with your time? What have you been putting off for too long? What is that one thing that you would want to do, achieve or experience before your hourglass runs out?

It might seem dramatic, and going with the flow is also a choice and an option. At least make the choice. Now is the time.

Reflection (on) time

Think back to a time you regretted not having started sooner, or not having started at all.

  • What was it that you didn't start (sooner)?
  • Why didn't you start (sooner)?
  • Now be honest, what was the real reason you didn't start sooner?
    • Lack of money, energy or time are sometimes really the reason
    • More often we hide behind this, because we are afraid
  • What fear is holding you back to get started tomorrow?
  • When are you going to start?

Lekstraat 103, 's-Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabant 5215CW
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Boy Körver

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