For one full day, I will be your shadow, challenging the voice inside your head, asking sharp questions and sharing observations about what I see you do in the moment.

I will be that caring but honest friend, that loving but challenging older brother.


  • Because you need someone to confront your actions and your words. You know what to do differently, but your actions don't follow. Spotting your own blind spots in the heat of the moment is close to impossible.
  • Because now is the time for real and lasting change. No more tricks and short-term hacks. Now is the time get to the root cause of your behavior and change it where you want it.
  • Because you want a holistic approach. You know and feel that your seemingly isolated challenges are actually all connected.

What will you get?

  • For up to a full 24 hours, I will accompany you wherever you go that day. Work, the gym, family, friends. You choose where we go and what you want to work on.
  • Questions, exercises and templates on the go, in the moment.
  • We'll have one or more set-up calls beforehand.
  • Life-time support through Whatsapp/Telegram or email.
  • An confrontation with yourself you'll always be referring back to.

Only for locations in the Netherlands.

We can speak Dutch or English.

After these 24 hours you will have so much insight in your own patterns, way of communication and personal effectiveness, you'll wish you'd done this 10 years ago.